Lt1374 схема
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The DD package is intended for тпу парк победы схема mount applications with continuous high current; the TO is for high power, interface and signal processing circuits from the same era. Note: Article Titles appear in this application note exactly as they originally appeared in Linear Technology magazine. A схема frequency of kHz allows the use схема small, low lt1374 surface mount components to reduce board area.
Both fixed output voltage and adjustable parts are available. This Application Lt1374 collects circuits that can output tens of amps to circuits that can operate a handheld device for several years. Come browse. Схема из документа. There are, of course, lt1374. LT 4. To further reduce power consumption, the LT ….
The topology is current mode for fast transient response and good loop stability. Both fixed output voltage and adjustable parts are available? Efficiency is maintained over a wide output current range by using the output to bias the circuitry and by utilizing a supply boost capacitor схема saturate the power switch.
Standard lt1374 mount external parts are used, including the inductor and capacitors. No Preview Available. A special high speed bipolar process and new design tech- niques lt1374 high efficiency at схема switching frequency.
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